What Is Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

There are various forms of alternative treatments and therapies. Some of the popular ones are shiatsu, Reiki therapy, aromatherapy, acupressure, acupuncture in Bellingham, and even crystal therapy. MLD or manual lymphatic drainage is one other example. This form of alternative treatment is based on the premise that treatment and healing can be accomplished by restoring the natural lymphatic state of the body. It actually is a type of massage therapy that targets the lymph vessels and nodes of the body. Read the following facts in order to find out whether manual lymphatic drainage is appropriate for you

The Roots of Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a natural form of alternative therapy that began in the 1930’s. It was prohibited to tinker with the human lymphatic system at that time. MLD was first utilized by Estrid and Emil Vodder, two Danish physicians – – to address chronic sinusitis and disorders of the immune system. In 1836, they introduced it to France. Nowadays, MLD is widely used in various areas of the world.

How Does MLD Work?

You will be evaluated by a specialist when you enter a clinic that specializes in manual lymphatic drainage. Your general condition and health will be examined after which you will be given recommendations about the MLD sessions that suit you. A session may last for one hour to one and a half hours. You will be given a light and rhythmic massage combined with specialized and gentle pumping techniques. Generally, the movement aims to follow the direction of the flow of your body’s lymph which stimulates the lymphatic vessels. You need to remember that these vessels play a huge part in delivering antibodies and much needed nutrients to your body. It also plays an active part in freeing waste particles and toxins from your body. Lymph vessel stimulation is vital in eliminating the obstructions within. This action can strengthen the immune system and also help resolve ailments such as infections, allergies, headaches, and even low energy levels.

What are the Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

Now that know what manual lymphatic drainage massage is, we now need to talk about what it can do for your general condition and everyday health. MLD, first and foremost, is actually a remedial therapy. This means that it is a generally accepted form of treatment for certain ailments. It has been shown to work extremely well in removing rheumatoid arthritis, stomach bloating, edema, sinus congestion, and even migraines. Since it promotes tissue healing, it may also be effective in treating fractures, torn ligaments, and sprains. There are reports that MLD can help treat burns, wounds, scars, acne, and even ugly stretch marks. Secondly, it is considered a preventive form of treatment helping strengthen the immune system of the body which prevents you from easily contacting disease. It also helps regulate the circulatory system. Besides its preventive and remedial qualities, MLD massage therapy is also a popular way to alleviate people from tension and stress so it can be part of a relaxing and healthy habit.