Stimulating auricular acupuncture points is one way to stimulate the body in order to overcome a disease.
Ear or auricular acupuncture in Cleveland is a specialized alternative treatment in which acupuncture points on the auricle or outer ear are activated with disposable, small and sterile needles to treat a wide range of chronic problems. In the therapy, the ear is viewed as a microcosm of the body with the auricle representing an inverted fetus in a woman’s uterus) with each acupoint relating to a specific anatomical area.
Theories as to how Auricular Acupuncture Works
The latest Western perspective about how Auricular Acupuncture works is explained when the outer ear, which contains a large amount of nerve endings is stimulated dispatching electrical signals to the nervous system, to the area of the body affected. Therefore, by inserting a needle in the neck acupoint, any pain in the body will be relieved.
In Traditional Chinese medicine, the life energy of the body known as Chi moves through channels in the body called meridians, and all these meridians gather at the ear. Illness arises when the Chi in our body becomes blocked or unbalanced. By sedating or tonifying these acupoints with acupuncture therapy, our health improves and we then obtain a healthy balance of Chi within our body.
How does a procedure of Auricular Acupuncture treatment go?
A session of auricular acupuncture treatment involves sticking five or six small sterile, small disposable needles in each ear. The needles are inserted into acupoints associated with the body part that is ailing, so when we apply a needle in the neck acupoint we may be relieving pain in body part connected to the needled area in the ear. A treatment plan may customized by your acupuncturist to suit your individual needs. Small press tacks or acupuncture magnets may be taped to your ears in between rounds of acupuncture treatments.
Is Auricular Acupuncture a Painful Treatment?
People who are treated with ear acupuncture should never feel pain. You may be required to perform a special breathing technique while the needles are being inserted. At first, you may feel a slight stinging sensation, but this will be felt for just an instant once the needles are in place. The needles remain in the ear for less than an hour. In-between treatments, small press needles or magnets may be taped to selected acupoints in your ears.