If you suffer from an allergy naturally you would want an effective and quick treatment for its symptoms. This article will deal with some of the best conventional and natural alternative treatments to ease the distressing symptoms of your allergy.
There might still be no real cure for allergy at this time but there are a lot of treatment approaches you can avail of that would aid you in relieving allergy symptoms like congestion and runny nose among others. Some of the most commonly used conventional medications include corticosteroids, combination drugs, antihistamines and decongestants that bring you prompt relief from your allergy symptoms.
Natural Allergy Treatments
Herbal supplements – Supplements like goldenseal herb tonic, freeze-dried nettles or saline nasal spray are just some of the natural alternative medications that can effectively neutralize your allergy symptoms. Other noteworthy natural plant alternatives for allergy reactions like a flavonoid ingredient called quercetin and grape seed extract are very good treatments for seasonal allergy.
Acupuncture benefits the body in two ways: First, it balances the body. Second, it relieves allergy symptoms like fatigues, headaches, stuffiness and itchy eyes.
By inserting very thin, sterile and non-hollow needles into the side of the nose and the head, the stagnant and blocked energy called chi and blood start to move normally throughout the body improving the immune function and strengthening the organs affected by the energy imbalance. When the balance of energy is achieved, the allergy symptoms start to disappear and the person starts to feel well again. Acupuncture gives the body all the tools it needs to treat itself of its allergy condition.
Conventional Allergy Treatments
Antihistamine – These kinds of drugs often come in liquid, capsule and tablet forms. As its name suggests, antihistamines inhibit or block histamines hence stopping the symptoms of allergy. People who take antihistamine drugs are advised not to drive as this drug causes drowsiness.
Decongestants – Decongestants help to lessen the swelling of tissues and blood vessels helping to relieve congestion. These drugs are offered in nasal sprays, nose drops, liquids and pills. Decongestants may lead to insomnia and a feeling of anxiety. If these side effects persist, then you need to cease taking them although more often than not these symptoms are a short-term issue.
Anticholinergic Nasal Allergy Spray – This medication is sprayed into the nostrils of the allergic person. The spray limits secretions from the glands lining the nasal airway and helps in stopping or limiting runny nose symptom. One of the best type of nasal spray is saline nasal spray as it cleanses your nasal airways, lessens or stops postnasal drip and help thin the mucus. The best thing about this spray is that is does not have any side effects.
Steroid Nasal Sprays – This spray reduces the inflammation of the nasal airways reducing nasal allergy symptoms in the process. Side effects of this drug are sore throat or nose bleed.
Anti-allergy Eye Drops – Eye drops are often made from antihistamine drugs and relieve watery and itchy eyes as well as eye irritation and puffiness. Some of these types can be bought over-the-counter and are effective in battling hay fever and other allergy symptoms. The side effects of this drug include tearing, eyelid swelling, bloodshot eyes, itchy or burning eyes.
Leukotriene Inhibitors – Leukotriene inhibitors are those drugs that stop or limit leukotrine production in the blood. Leukotrienes are substances that cause inflammation during an allergic reaction. When the amount of leukotrine is reduced, inflammation is then also reduced.
Mass Cells Inhibitor – This drug is designed to hinder the release of histamines as well as other chemicals that can give rise to allergy symptoms when mast cells come into contact with allergens. Mast cell inhibitor drugs are usually available in nasal sprays and they are often used to relieve itchy eyes and runny nose.
Allergy Shots – These shots also go by the rarely-used term “immunotherapy” and are administered to allergic prone patients to make them more resilient to allergic reactions. People with serious allergic reactions and those who have had persistent allergic reactions for three months in one year are given these shots. These shots, however, do not treat the allergy but only decrease the person’s sensitivity to specific allergens. They are given on a regular basis and the doses are increased gradually as time goes by.
Allergy Fighting Foods – A study conducted a few years ago had shown that eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids does help reduce the symptoms of allergy compared to individuals who do not eat foods with this substance. Some of the foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are eggs, meat from grass-feeding animals, walnuts, flaxseed and cold-water fishes. People suffering from a lot of allergic reactions are highly advised to partake of these foods to lessen their allergy discomforts.
Bhakti Acupuncture
7550 France Ave S #220
Edina, MN 55435
Phone: (952) 230-0754