The Best Way To Approach Disease Is To Integrate Both TCM And Western Medicine Treatments Together

No matter how alternative medicine appears to be, it is definitely anything but. TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine which includes herbal medicine, Chinese physical therapy (tui na) and acupuncture has been practiced for millennia to assist in the treatment of the human body. But since it is not commercialized and most people are unfamiliar with it, it is often sidelined. We hope this article will give you a little understanding of what TCM is.


The procedures of TCM assist in the healing of the spirit, mind, and body. It actually facilitates healing and does not really heal or treat the body; TCM stimulates the self-healing processes of the body. The most common techniques used in this practice are herbal medicine and acupuncture in Palm Harbor on broadway. These modalities promote healing by balancing the body. However, they do not have the ability to address the symptoms of a disease. These modalities however, are designed, to treat the underlying cause(s) of a disease.

Chi is the energy flowing inside the body of a person. The concept of a universal flow of energy is actually an old concept. In the West, in his theory of special relativity, Einstein believed that everything is energy. Chi moves inside the body, and the body is in balance when this Chi flows smoothly. Stagnation and blockage occurs when it does not which often leads to illness and disease. One can imagine Chi this way…

Visualize a river that flows freely. The running current keeps the water clean and well-oxygenated, the rocks serve as filters that helps keep the river clean. Now, visualize a fallen branch or tree trunk in the river that causes a blockage like a small dam. Water builds up in the area, very slowly flowing, if at all. On the rocks and in the still water, algae begin to grow. Detritus and Debris get ensnared in the dammed up part of the river causing bacteria to build up in the water that eventually flows down the river.


Getting a TCM examination of your health is very different from Western medicine diagnosis and treatment. TCM examination doesn’t require any blood tests, unless you’re talking about your pulse (which mirrors the flow of blood). Your pulse, pains, and appearance (condition of your skin, tongue, etc.), are more than enough.

Both herbal medicine and acupuncture are designed to treat stagnation, which is the cause of chi blockages, and can be the underlying cause of a disease.  Herbal medicine and acupuncture can be used alongside each other to helps address more than one condition. Acupuncture needles, for instance, are utilized at the acupoint(s) of blockage while herbs are prescribed to ehance the movements of chi and increase circulation.

Herbs in the form of ointment, tea, or pills, are widely available and if your TCM physician is also an herbal practitioner, he probably knows where and how exactly to combine them. Your local Chinese drugstore doesn’t carry Tylenol. Herbs were the first “pharmaceutical medications” even in Western medicine. The bad news is regrettably, most of Western medicine appears to be too much concerned with addressing symptoms alone, especially when it comes to “Big Pharma.” They merely appear to be just a temporary fix.

Exterior (Which is Also Interior)

The underlying cause of your pain is a chronic physical condition or injury an injury or a chronic physical condition. Acupuncture, herbal medicine, and tui na (Chinese physical therapy) are just as effective in curing orthopedic trauma. Many kung fu practitioners and athletes, swear by these treatments.

Stagnation and blockages can be caused by injuries, especially in regard to circulation. Remember the aforementioned ointment? It could be used on a sprained ankle, for example. Each herb in these ointments has their own attributes. For instance, Turmeric encourages circulation and is essential in relieving inflammation. Minimal inflammation equates to minimal pain. For this reason, turmeric is often used in ointments for the treatment of pain.

Basically, Tui Na is one form of therapeutic massage. Similar to herbal medicine, tui na is designed promote the movement of chi through the meridians, muscles, and joints.

The Best of Both Worlds

Healing can be maximized when both Western and Eastern medicine treatments are combined. We need to integrate all aspects of these healing systems in order to achieve balance in our practice. In a lot of cases, a lifetime of medication is not the answer and neither is surgery. When integrated into the healing practices of Western science and medicine, TCM can provide us the tools needed to attain wellness and health.