Chiropractic Palm Harbor Therapy and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is widely believed caused by continuous stress and motion of the wrist and hand. A misaligned spine can aggravate this problem, as well.  Chiropractors have patients undergo physical and diagnostic exams to assess the patient thoroughly and give an accurate diagnosis of the problem. Chiropractic treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome is not limited to spinal manipulation but with extremity and joint manipulation, as well.  Same as spinal manipulation, pressure is applied to … Continue reading

Chiropractic Palm Harbor Care and Scoliosis

Scoliosis is the abnormal curvature of the spine that makes the body twist laterally visibly showing a spinal deformity in the back of the affected person. The origins of scoliosis are unknown and this is not a disease or a deformity caused by carrying heavy objects.  Usually, the cause is idiopathic, meaning it developed spontaneously or from an unknown cause. People of all ages can be affected by scoliosis but it mostly affects young people … Continue reading